Jay Vandermeer, CPT
Jay Vandermeer is a patient and understanding coach who thrives on the challenges and perspectives of each individual client. Jay’s experience of nearly 25 years in trial-and-error resistance training, nine years of professional personal training, ten years as a former I.C.T.F Taekwon-do instructor and nearly two years as a Crossfit student has given him a vast range of movement education.
Jay is a certified Personal Trainer with a Bachelor’s degree in Science from the University of Waterloo. He believes that a foundation of pain-free movement is the key to greater health. Jay works 1-on-1 and with clients in Pairs to create realistic exercise plans that work for each individual’s needs, hesitations and clear strengths. Jay loves to see real change in his clients and thrives on fostering greater confidence, education and having a client see the changes themselves.
Jay’s hobbies & interests include hiking, canoeing, four-season camping, Crossfit, baseball, volleyball, ping-pong, ice fishing, Alpine skiing, landscaping, home renovations, electronics, snowshoeing, Euchre, cooking & baking from scratch.